Learn More or Schedule Therapeutic Tutoring

school hours
After school, 5 days per week
Virtual Services Available in 45 States
Is the consultation truly free?
Yes, we want to be sure we can help and that you are fully informed about our process and how it all works.
Do you cover my state?
We provide virtual services in most of the United States, and if your child would prefer in-person we can help you find a good fit. We have found that the virtual approach to therapeutic tutoring works for most children 12 years old and over.
How much does it cost?
Each of our psychologists sets their rate based on their experience, background, and expertise, but we ask that the fees do not exceed certain levels. We also ask that each psychologist dedicate a percentage of time to reduced-fee care.
Do you work with all ages?
We work with children, adolescents, and adults who would benefit from a combination of traditional therapy with educational tutoring.
How do I know if my child or I am a fit?
Feel free to contact us. If there is a related service that would be a better fit we can discuss that when we talk. We will also want to understand your hopes for working with a therapeutic tutor, and go over what results you can expect.
Do you charge the professionals you refer to?
We do not charge the therapeutic tutors that we credential for the referrals we send so they can keep their fees reasonable. We do charge a nominal fee when they first join so they can get credentialed and listed, and then a small annual fee so we can ensure they are getting necessary continuing ed.