Therapeutic Tutoring
Our talented and highly qualified therapeutic tutors help students reach their potential, discover new possibilities, and enjoy learning again. We carefully vet each professional we credential to ensure they meet high standards for education, experience, and training as tutors and therapists. Therapeutic tutoring provides a powerful, innovative, and effective combination for learners of all ages.
Learn how we can help you reach your potential and enjoy learning along the way, despite any challenges and barriers you have faced.
Learn how we can work with you to integrate therapeutic tutoring strategies into your classrooms, helping all student achieve.
You know your child’s potential and the possibilities that are currently blocked. Let us help unlock that potential and help your child enjoy learning.
Learn how we can help you develop the knowledge and skills to expand your practice and help students overcome barriers.
What is Therapeutic Tutoring
Our aim is to help children, adolescents, and adults overcome any psychological barriers to reaching their full potential in school. We accomplish this by combining traditional high quality academic tutoring with concurrent psychological counseling to limit the effects of anxiety, attention problems, and even depression on learning. This powerful two-pronged approach can help a wide variety of students. And as opposed to having to hire an expensive tutor and a psychologist, and then having to hope that the strategies that each uses will mesh together for the most coherent and powerful approach, therapeutic tutors are qualified to provide both roles work with the student.

How Therapeutic Tutoring Helps
Combining therapy and tutoring
What is Therapuetic Tutoring? It is a solution for children who are having difficulty learning and achieving to their full potential in school, including those who:
- do not follow through and complete assignments and projects
- have difficulty paying attention in some classes
- have reduced motivation for school and declining grades
- have anxiety and/or depression
- have emotional and/or social stress that is affecting school performance
- are voicing stress or low self-esteem when it comes to learning
The Work of Therapeutic Tutors

Individual Sessions
Therapeutic tutors work with the student on the psychological symptoms that are interfering with him or her reaching their potential in school, while also providing high quality instruction that puts new strategies to use. Therapeutic tutors work to:
- Increase motivation
- Improve attention and concentration
- Build organizational and planning skills
- Decrease avoidance and reduce anxiety
- Develop blocked capabilities
- Access strengths

Family Involvement
Parents play a large role in the Therapeutic Tutoring process. Whenever possible we help you learn how to use the same principles and processes we use in our office when your child is studying and preparing for school at home. You’ll be able to help your other children too!
- Learn how you can help
- View the progress that is being made
- Learn to prevent backslides
- Share and discuss goals
- Improve problem solving
- Learn to come up with solutions together

School Connections
Of course working with the school, particularly the child’s teachers, is a vitally important part of the process. Our therapeutic tutors work closely with classroom teachers and specialists to ensure a broad reach of successful interventions.
- Design a coordinated approach for individuals and entire classes
- Share ideas and solutions
- Develop collaborative strategies
- Increase insight and awareness
- Get frequent updates on improvement
- Assist with planning for future years and transitions.
Many of you reading this may not have heard of therapeutic tutoring, though you are likely familiar with traditional therapy and educational instruction. For years many students, from school-age children through graduate school attendees went to two different appointments if they wanted help in school and also were experiencing psychological symptoms. In some cases, these two professionals talked with each other and designed a coordinated approach, but this was actually not common. And the tutor was often a person who while they had done well in school and could do a nice job teaching, was not versed in psychology and psychological symptoms. And the therapist was often not expert in any academic area. Therapeutic tutoring changes all of that. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.
Questions About Our Services
How does therapeutic tutoring differ from traditional educational tutoring?
Traditional educational instruction works to teach the material so that the student understands academic concepts and ideas and can do the tasks involved in a certain class or academic area. Therapeutic tutoring adds a layer of also addressing those psychological aspects that are interfering with the student showing her/his true potential and ability. Thus, you will have a professional who will not only work to ensure that you know the material as well as possible, but also who will make sure that you are most effectively positioned for success from a psychological perspective.
While we aim to be thorough and complete at this site and with this site, we cannot diagnose any psychological issue remotely, and we also cannot give advice about any unique situation. Our aim is to provide information about Therapeutic Tutoring and how it can be useful, but in order to decide for yourself whether a therapeutic tutor is for your child you will have to talk to someone local to you. Let us know if we can help you find that person!
Specifically what psychological issues do Therapeutic Tutors address?
Therapeutic tutors can address issues ranging from anxiety to ADHD to low motivation. People who get anxious taking tests, have trouble getting motivated to do homework, or cannot focus in class might all benefit from therapeutic tutoring. The tutor will make sure that any symptoms you might have, whether test-taking anxiety, an attention deficit, or general anxiety about learning will be managed first so that you can learn the material and then display that learning most effectively.
Does therapeutic tutoring work?
Our services can be more effective than either therapy or tutoring alone, since it is a combined approach carried out by a professional who is expert in both areas and can work with the student with a hybrid approach. Our professionals can work on two levels, the psychological and the academic, and for many people this is the best possible approach. Therapeutic tutoring works well for students of all ages, and even for those in the workforce who need to learn something new. In summary, the whole becomes greater than the parts; high quality instruction when combined with therapy in the same session can lead to excellent results.
Is therapeutic tutoring only for children and teenagers?
No. Therapeutic tutoring can be very effective for students in college and graduate school, and can also be very helpful to people who must learn in order to accomplish tasks at work. If you need services for your education as an adult, or are training for a new career, we can help you find the success you’ve always hoped for.
How soon will I see results from Therapeutic Tutoring?
Therapeutic tutoring works quickly, given the powerful combination of traditional therapy with cutting edge tutoring. We not only address the symptoms that have been barriers to the student showing her or his potential, but also immediately put new strategies to work with the student. Hiring one of our professionals will put you on the path to academic success, and you may begin to see small results very quickly, and then true transformation soon thereafter.
Will the student need Therapeutic Tutoring for the rest of his or her academic career?
The student will not need Therapeutic Tutoring for the rest of her or his academic career, given that the strategies and processes he or she will learn will soon become a part of the learning process. Depending on needs, the student may still benefit from traditional private instruction, and we will work to transition the work to that person. Some people completely end their services and continue with traditional instruction, while others stay on board for check-ins.
What is the difference between private therapeutic tutors and a center?
There are several differences between a therapeutic tutoring center and private therapeutic tutors. A center offers the benefit of having the student placed with the ideal professional whose combination of psychological training and tutoring expertise is perfectly matched to the student’s needs. In addition, a center has the benefit of ensuring that all of its staff attend the same trainings and have the highest qualifications. Our talented clinicians, on the other hand, offer the benefit of a close connection that stays constant and deepens over time.
How can I find therapeutic tutors in my area?
We can help you find a talented, qualified professional in many regions of the country, particularly if your student is open to virtual treatment. We are the only nationally accepted accreditation agency that decides when a individual professional or therapeutic tutoring center has all the training and experience needed, and we have a listing that you can consult.

Who are educational therapy services for? What ages and levels?
What is Therapeutic or Special Needs Tutoring?
Where can you get Special Education Tutoring services in the US?
When is tutoring for children with learning disabilities helpful?
Why get an academic therapist through this website?
How to contact us for more information or a referral.
Psychologists Interested in Joining Us
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